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We look forward to meeting you, and to sharing in your excitement as we begin this journey together. We will address any questions and concerns you may have.
Several vitamins and supplements have been suggested to play a role in female fertility and male fertility. Learn more about natural fertility supplements.
At The Center we believe in educating patients about their fertility treatments. Our team of embryologists provide insight into the question of how should a fertility clinic help patients feel they are in control of their fertility treatment?
For the most up-to-date information on Zika Virus and other mosquito-borne diseases in Alabama, the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) has established a dedicated website to providing details relating to the Zika Virus.
Maintaining a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) is important to fertility. Multiple studies have shown that having a BMI that is too high or too low can adversely affect your chances of conceiving.