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We look forward to meeting you, and to sharing in your excitement as we begin this journey together. We will address any questions and concerns you may have.
The fertility experts of The Center for Reproductive Medicine in Mobile, Alabama discuss the different options available to patients who looking for how to make fertility treatment more affordable.
At The Center for Reproductive Medicine we believe that medicine is more than just a job, it is a calling. Our fertility team strive to do the best for patients in delivering the highest standard of science, surgical skills, treatment, and communication.
Dr. Koulianos explains in depth about what Elective Single Embryo Transfer (eSET) is and answers common questions about pregnancy rates, complications, and the ideal candidates for eSET. Learn more about this other method of IVF treatment.
At The Center we believe in educating patients about their fertility treatments. Our team of embryologists provide insight into the question of how should a fertility clinic help patients feel they are in control of their fertility treatment?
Fertility patients that need to go through IVF treatment are introduced to all the programs offered at The Center that range to financial planning, fertility treatment classes, and fertility medication classes.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is the process of injecting a sperm into a mature oocyte (egg). The sperm is chosen based on how normal it appears. The sperm is picked up using a microinjection needle and injected into the oocyte.
Those couples who do not respond to traditional fertility treatments find themselves confronted with decisions concerning In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). There are several strategies that can assist couples when starting IVF.